How Often Should You Get Your Brakes Checked? 

How Often Should You Get Your Brakes Checked? 

We all have a responsibility to ensure our car’s brakes are in good working order. This isn’t just for our own safety, but for the protection of other motorists and pedestrians on the road as well. Your car’s braking system is your first line of defense when it comes...
Car Maintenance Tips for Summer 

Car Maintenance Tips for Summer 

Memorial Day weekend approaches, and to most people that means one thing: summer is here. But apart from backyard cookouts, longer days, and vacations at the beach, summer isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, especially for your vehicle. With higher temperatures and more...
What Are Hydraulic Hose Fittings? 

What Are Hydraulic Hose Fittings? 

Continuous improvement for your car means getting down to the nitty-gritty details. And one thing that most vehicle owners never think about is their hydraulic hose fittings. But the team at Loper’s Performance Center knows your hose fittings’ value and want to break...