How Often Should You Get Your Brakes Checked? 

We all have a responsibility to ensure our car’s brakes are in good working order. This isn’t just for our own safety, but for the protection of other motorists and pedestrians on the road as well. Your car’s braking system is your first line of defense when it comes to motor safety. 

It also happens to be very complex. Seeing as even the smallest amount of brake damage or disrepair can put you at risk, it’s important to keep in mind the following guidelines. Then, you can drive confidently and be aware of when it’s time to bring your car in for a brake check.

Best Practices for Optimal Brake Performance 

As a good rule of thumb, you should aim to get your brakes inspected every six months. Many people get into the habit of asking for a brake check each time they get their tires rotated. Dependent on varying driving conditions, some drivers may need to have their brakes checked more frequently. For example, if you find yourself mostly driving in high traffic areas or on highways where you use your brakes quite often, it’s possible your brake pads may experience more rapid wear and tear. 

Even the type of weather you endure will sometimes warrant inspections more often; for instance, our vehicle’s brakes often take a hit after experiencing harsher winter conditions. We recommend bringing your car into Loper’s Performance at regular intervals, and learning to recognize the following signs of disrepair.

Signs Your Brakes May Be Failing   

It’s important for drivers to catch brake issues as early as possible. Once brakes are damaged, the system can diminish quickly. If you notice you’re pushing harder on the brake pedal to force your vehicle to stop, this may be an early warning sign that your brakes are failing. If this is the case, it’s also possible that your car could drift slightly to one side when you use the brakes, or that your steering wheel may vibrate when you drive down a steep hill or attempt a stop at a higher speed. Other signs include loud grinding noises when braking, as well as a burning smell, both of which are indicators that parts of your braking system may be grinding against each other or the road, and you should consider bringing your vehicle in immediately for an appointment.

Average Lifespan of Brakes  

Since brake pads help bring your vehicle to a stop by affecting the moving rotors on your wheels, they are subject to lots of friction and heat, both of which can break down the pads over time. The average lifespan of your brake pads is somewhere between 10,000 and 20,000 miles. Rotors, on the other hand,  can typically be replaced every 50,000 to 70,000 miles. For some careful and more infrequent drivers, these lifespans can as much as double, but brake longevity can vary wildly as a result of differing driving conditions. 

Final Thoughts – Importance of Routine Vehicle Inspections  

When it comes to automobile care, preventative maintenance is the best practice for your safety and wallet. The most important reason to schedule routine check-ups is safety. You could become seriously injured, and your car could become seriously damaged, in the event of an accident. Keeping up on your routine will prevent parts of breaking, and larger problems from arising. Additionally, ensuring your car continues performing at its best and most efficient state can not only lead to things like more stable steering, but also prevents your car from wasting any drops of fuel. Constant care is the most effective strategy for reducing risk to you and your vehicle.

Discover How Loper’s Performance Can Help You and Your Vehicle

A shop you can trust since 1967, Loper’s Performance Center prides itself on being the largest speed shop in Arizona. Additionally, we’re a top service center in the Phoenix area. We’re the most friendly, honest repair team in the area, with highly-skilled mechanics who love cars and care about yours. We’d love to help keep your vehicle in good condition. Contact Loper’s Performance today for a free quote